Sunday, December 4, 2011

Week 9: Stone Double Bastard 10.5% ABV

Hans Gruber and Col. Stewart. Gannon and Bowser. Hell, even those guys up there. All great examples of bastards. But all of those don't compare to this 10.5% malt and hop bomb from Stone. At the same time, this is the ultimate yin and yang beer, with a delicate balance of hops that wallop your taste buds and a sweet maltiness that cools it down. Your mouth doesn't stay cooler than a witch's tit in December for long, because the alcohol burn sets in pretty quick.
About half way through the bottle, I began to think that the double bastards of Jim Carey and Tommy Lee Jones made for a good evil pair in Batman Forever. And man, if you start thinking that movie was any good, you know the beer is hitting you hard.

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