Friday, September 23, 2011

Escondidian Imperial Black IPA by Stone

Lets start this bitch up.

Skinny Pete graciously provided us with the inaugural beer tasting selection for Beer Club, Stone's 15th Anniversary Imperial Black IPA. What better beer to come home to after a day of totally F*#%'n up production for the entire company? The first pour, good head (heh), and black as a witches teet. My first impression was 'this is a harsh mother' and I recoiled at the thought of drinking an entire bomber. 20 minutes later I'm writing this post, I've finished the SOB and I'm drunk as hell. Money well spent. I'm not going to be poetic here, but it tastes like someone injected a Black Stout with a jizzload of IPA firepower, and the result was a thalidomide baby of drunkeness. Daddy like. Nice ABV, smooth flavor, 3.5 out of 4 drunken monks (shout out to Jon Roy)


  1. Nice review. Steinbeck, Keniston is nipping at your heels.

    Would blogger site even exist if you were sober?

  2. Excellent review. The only fault I can find is that you haven't provided the jizzload to shit ton conversion rate.
